Monday, May 16, 2011

Infrared black white photo effect of simulating color photo

This morning there was already a tutorial for you how to turn a real infrared photo with an interesting black and white. Therefore, I would like to explain to you a little tutorial for Photoshop, as you can create a similar effect as by an ordinary photo that was taken without an IR filter in front of the lens. Take a photo with the most greenery from your library or searching the internet for a suitable landscape photography and opens it in Photoshop. Right you see the photo that I used for this tutorial.

1. Black and white conversion with black and white conversion in Photoshop
Relatively acceptable results you gain with a very simple image conversion method, conversion to black and white photography using Image> Adjustments> Schwarzweiß.infrarot black and white photo simulation of color-002 black and white settings 150x150 Infrared black white photo effect color photo tutorial Photoshop your advanced if this menu item have chosen, comes a new window by your conversion to black and white can make very simple. The figure next time, should look like the menu where you can affect the gray value of each color in the image.

To get a picture for the black and white version of a real IR images is very similar, I have selected the following settings on the right side. So you can feel a true IR photos simulate quite well.

As you can see in the photo on the left, however, the result is not necessarily satisfactory for making color regions are in it, depending on the resolution of the camera and lens unsightly edges in the photo, the one in a subsequent processing elicits any more..

A slightly better result is obtained with very little effort by using the Channel Mixer in Photoshop, not the ugly show up at the edges.

2. Black and white conversion in the IR-style through channel mixer in Photoshop

As we have seen in the example above, the conversion of a normal black and white photos in the style of an infra-red photography is quite possible to simulate, but not quite so simple. If you tried it with the second processing option on the menu Image> Adjustments> Channel Mixer, so you get a much more homogeneous picture the end result.
The settings that I have taken it, can you see in the picture on the left. Here I have specifically raised all green, yellow and blue colors of the image to enhance the contrast and to reduce the other colors to the green from the original photo will appear as bright. Try it for yourself in your own photo. infrared black and white photo of color-channel mixer 005 results 150x150 infrared black and white photo effect simulate from color photo tutorial photoshop advancedFür the black and white conversion in the infrared-style, there is unfortunately no universal approach, ie You must own the values ??change slightly, so it looks good in your photo. Finally, you can simply right the contrast of the photographs shown to increase a bit.

Image Reference: Sun Tree Reflection

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